

UPDATE Abstract: Deadline August 15th

Registration: Deadline August 23th

Participation is free of charge for invited EUVEN members.
EUVEN members and invited speakers are also eligible for reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs. If you are eligible, you will get a personal e-COST invitation.

Eligible participants for reimbursements will be informed in due time and can claim max. 4 days of refunding (inclusive of the time spent for travelling, to/from Naples) at a rate of € 200/day. On top of this, the Action can contribute to cover travel expenses up to a maximum of € 400/participant. Arrival and departure can be scheduled a few days before/after the meeting. The COST Action will, however, refund only these 4 days (maximum).

Registration fees for non-EUVEN members

IMPORTANT: the meeting room can accommodate up to 120 participants so the registration will be on a first come, first served basis.

Early bird rates
(01 June - 01 July)
Regular rates
(02 July - 02 August)
Late rates
(03 August - 23 August)
Students and postdocs 250.00 € 350.00 € 450.00 €
Regular 300.00 € 400.00 € 500.00 €