

Amsterdam Institute of Molecular and Life Sciences, Division of BioAnalytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1085, Amsterdam 1081HV, The Netherlands

Jeroen Kool is an analytical chemist with research interests in high resolution screening of biologically active mixtures. His current venom research focuses on:
1) HTS venomics, which is able to rapidly and automatically (both the measurements and the data processing) characterize venoms in terms of qualitative venom composition.
2) Venom metabolomics and venom toxin variation studies which allows opening up large population studies on venom variation.
3) Tissue toxicity, cytotoxicity, and organ-on-chip toxicity profiling of snake venoms in the effort of aiding in the development of new snakebite treatments.
4) Integrated nanofractionation analytics for in vitro ion channel bioassaying in combination with in vivo behavioral & paralysis zebrafish profiling of all toxins in snake venoms.

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