Instructions for Authors

Abstract submission

Registration is mandatory to submit an Abstract (only one allowed per registration).

UPDATE Submission deadline: August 15, with a response from the scientific committee by August 20


Authors should indicate their preference for Oral presentation or Poster, and indicate the preferred Symposium for your abstract.
Authors willing to present studies on topics that do not fall within the proposed sessions are also welcome to submit an abstract.

An example of an abstract is provided (click here).

When preparing your abstract:

Define all abbreviations

Do not include copyrighted material

Limit to 2000 characters including spaces (approx. 350 words)

The Scientific Committee will review abstracts and inform the authors by mid-August, including guidelines for oral presentations and posters.


Posters will remain accessible during the whole conference and presented during a dedicated session.

Please use standard poster size A0 (841 mm wide x 1189 mm high) or 36”x48”. Materials for attaching posters to boards will be available at registration desk.


Certificates will be available for download directly on the website private area (Certificate of attendance)